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CONTACT: Jake Goodman, Executive Director, 412-362-1300, jgoodman [at]

PITTSBURGH, PA; APRIL 30, 2020 — The Opportunity Fund announces support totaling $515,300 to-date as part of its strategic response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In March, the Opportunity Fund signed a national pledge, publicized its commitments, and created a $500,000 COVID-19 Response Fund to provide (1) general operating support for small and mid-sized arts organizations and (2) flexible funds for grassroots entities organizing toward social/economic justice and emergency response.

“This is a time for foundations to step deeper into our roles as community partners by removing barriers, increasing support, and acting quickly,” said Jake Goodman, Executive Director of the Opportunity Fund.

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Opportunity Fund Awards Over $600,000 in Grants to Arts and Social & Economic Justice Efforts

Opportunity Fund Awards Over $600,000 in Grants to Arts and Social & Economic Justice Efforts

PITTSBURGH, PA, December 1, 2017—The Opportunity Fund announces support totaling $630,830 in its fourth cycle of funding. The Opportunity Fund is a Pittsburgh-based private foundation that awards grants to organizations and initiatives that advance the arts, and social and economic justice, with at least 75% of grants benefitting the greater Pittsburgh community. Including this current grant cycle, the foundation has awarded 166 grants totaling nearly $2.4M in the 2.5 years since its inception.

The Opportunity Fund was established in 2015 upon the death of community leader Gerri Kay to continue her life’s work. It seeks grantees who champion the liberties and rights of our communities’ diverse citizens, treasure the arts and support the lives of artists, pursue social and economic justice, and proactively provide safety net resources for those in need.

The Opportunity Fund’s grants are competitive. The Board of Directors funded 46 out of 88 requests that were seeking a total of $1,558,330. A complete list of awarded grants can be found below.

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