CONTACT: Jake Goodman, Executive Director, 412-362-1300, jgoodman [at] theopportunityfund.org

PITTSBURGH, PA; APRIL 30, 2020 — The Opportunity Fund announces support totaling $515,300 to-date as part of its strategic response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In March, the Opportunity Fund signed a national pledge, publicized its commitments, and created a $500,000 COVID-19 Response Fund to provide (1) general operating support for small and mid-sized arts organizations and (2) flexible funds for grassroots entities organizing toward social/economic justice and emergency response.

“This is a time for foundations to step deeper into our roles as community partners by removing barriers, increasing support, and acting quickly,” said Jake Goodman, Executive Director of the Opportunity Fund.

A complete list of awarded grants to-date from the COVID-19 Response Fund can be found below, and additional context regarding the Opportunity Fund’s process can be found here. Additional support was possible through a generous gift by the Laura and Jason Rock Family Foundation. The Opportunity Fund is not accepting applications or solicitations for this fund.

1Hood Media ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

1Hood Media ($15,000) to support PGH Mutual Aid’s COVID-19 Emergency Fund.

412 Food Rescue ($15,000) to support general operations and emergency response during the COVID-19 crisis.

Abolitionist Law Center ($10,000) to hire a part-time attorney will gather information from the Allegheny County Jail (ACJ), solicit information from clients, meet with County officials, and work on advocacy related to the ACJ with community organizations; and to expand use of IT services.

Alliance for Global Justice ($25,700) to expand the Bukit Bail Fund to help bail out people from Allegheny County Jail (ACJ), provide cash cards to inmates exiting ACJ with community partner Jailbreak, and to provide stipends to volunteers.

Alumni Theater Company ($5,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Balafon West African Dance Ensemble ($5,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

barebones productions ($5,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Bricolage Production Company ($5,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Casa San Jose ($15,000) to support Casa San Jose’s Relief Fund in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Center of Life ($15,000) to support emergency response work by the Greater Hazelwood Community Collaborative. Funds may support transportation, an emergency fund, volunteer compensation, computers, Internet access, and/or gift cards during the COVID-19 crisis.

Chamber Music Pittsburgh ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Circles Greater Pittsburgh ($10,000) to provide flexible funds for The Wellness Collective to build capacity, pay organizers, distribute resources, and do any of the group’s other tax-exempt work as it responds to COVID-19 crisis.

City of Asylum Pittsburgh ($15,000) to support general operations and “The Show Must Go On(line)” during the COVID-19 crisis.

City Theatre Company ($15,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Contemporary Craft ($15,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

CORNINGWORKS ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Daisy Wilson Artist Community, Inc. ($10,000) to support general operations of the August Wilson House during the COVID-19 crisis.

Dreams of Hope ($5,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank ($15,000) to support general operations and emergency response during the COVID-19 crisis.

Healthy Start Inc., Pittsburgh ($5,000) to support general operations and virtual doula services during the COVID-19 crisis.

Hill Dance Academy Theatre ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Hill District Consensus Group ($4,600) for the COVID Help Desk Workflow and Resource Navigation.

Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh ($10,000) to support Federation’s COVID-19 Response Fund to provide direct support during the COVID-19 crisis.

Kelly Strayhorn Theater ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Kente Arts Alliance ($5,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Latino Community Center ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Legacy Arts Project ($5,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild ($10,000) to support MCG Jazz in the creation of a Jazz Musician Project, a concert series curated by Pittsburgh-based jazz artists that pays artists higher-than-usual fees for gigs.

Neighborhood Allies ($7,500) to support general operations of Steel Smiling and its cohort of Beams to Bridges community members as they respond to the COVID-19 crisis. This grant is made possible through a generous gift by the Laura and Jason Rock Family Foundation.

New Hazlett Center for the Performing Arts ($5,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

New Horizon Theater ($5,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

New Sun Rising ($10,000) to support general operations of PearlArts Studios during the COVID-19 crisis.

New Voices for Reproductive Justice ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Off the Wall Productions ($5,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Pittsburgh Community Services, Inc. ($10,000) to support general operations of Feed the Hood during the COVID-19 crisis.

The Pittsburgh Foundation ($10,000) to support the Pittsburgh Foundation Emergency Action Fund.

Pittsburgh Glass Center ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis and/or a matching grant to support the Artists’ Assistance Fund.

POISE Foundation ($5,000) to support the Critical Community Needs Fund during the COVID-19 crisis.

POISE Foundation ($10,000) to support general operations of Alliance for Police Accountability during the COVID-19 crisis.

POORLAW ($5,000) to support the COVID-19 Social Survival Support Initiative during the COVID-19 crisis.

Prevention Point Pittsburgh ($5,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Serenity Living Transitional Home ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

sisTers PGH ($15,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis. Grant may also may support the Pittsburgh COVID-19 LGBTQIA Emergency Relief Fund.

Take Action Mon Valley  ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Touchstone Center for Crafts ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Ujamaa Collective ($5,000) to support the #HillMasksOn Initiative which organizes seamstresses to sew reusable cloth face masks that will be distributed for free to those in need in the Hill District neighborhood.

Union Project ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

United Somali Bantu of Greater Pittsburgh ($10,000) to support general operations during the COVID-19 crisis.

Universities Allied for Essential Medicines ($10,000) to support work to ensure that any vaccines that are developed are affordable and accessible to all people.

Zellous Hope Project ($10,000) to help establish the Emergency Stabilization Hope Fund to help individuals and small businesses who are not eligible for many loans or grants and/or who have trouble accessing them.


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