PITTSBURGH, PA, May 30, 2017—The Opportunity Fund announces support totaling $429,059 in its third cycle of funding. The Board of Directors funded 36 out of 51 requests that were seeking a total of $1,884,220.

A complete list of awarded grants can be found below.

Alumni Theater Company ($10,000) to support the New ATC Space: a theater, rehearsal and educational space in Homewood.

ARYSE ($15,000) to support the PRYSE Academy, a summer program designed to help refugee and immigrant youth build confidence and knowledge to succeed in school and beyond.

Assemble ($15,000) to support general operations to strengthen Assemble’s vision, mission, and values. Specifically, the grant will support two new staff positions that will enhance the organization’s capacity.

Center for Employment Opportunities ($20,000) to support general operations to grow its evidence-based prison reentry model in Pittsburgh.

Chamber Music Pittsburgh ($15,000) to support its 6-concert main subscription series at Carnegie Music Hall (now in its 56th year) in the 2017-2018 season.

Chatham Baroque ($15,000) to support the 2017-2018 Season, including a portion of salaries and benefits for the three, full-time Artistic Directors/Musicians.

COA Youth & Family Centers ($15,000) to support expanded reach and impact of COA’s youth development programming.

Contemporary Craft ($60,000) over two years to support the Emerging Black Arts Leaders Apprentice (EBALA), a program to provide exceptional young persons of color with professional and career development.

CORNINGWORKS ($12,500) to support the development, creation, and production of two annual original GLUE FACTORY PROJECT productions, accompanying new marketing and outreach strategies, and a new touring initiative for the solo evening production of REMAINS.

Craft Emergency Relief Fund ($10,000) to support emergency relief and recovery services and career protection initiatives for artists working in craft disciplines.

Day One ($32,400) to support stable housing for up to five years to a single parent family as a base for building a successful future for both the parent and child. Programming includes education, job readiness, and financial literacy for the parent, and cognitive development for the child.

Dreams of Hope ($10,000) to support general operations for 2017-2018.

Educating Empowering Eliminating Dating Violence ($5,000) to support Community Mixtape Project in offering a mobile multimedia production lab that will allow for workshops in communities including housing shelters, community centers, and education organizations.

Fayette County Community Action Agency ($15,000) to support implementing the “Circles” Program in Fayette County which pairs households in poverty with a small group of “allies” providing mentoring, education, resources, and support.

Hope for Justice ($10,000) to support the Tennessee Investigative Hub that works independently and in conjunction with law enforcement and other agencies to identify and rescue human trafficking victims.

Kamratōn ($7,500) to support She writes, She scores, a concert series celebrating the work of living women composers.

Legal Services for Immigrants and Internationals ($30,000) to support representation for at-risk, unaccompanied immigrant children, providing legal services to assist unaccompanied minors to obtain legal status, remain in the United States, and avoid deportation to dangerous regions.

Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild ($15,000) to support MCG Jazz concerts and supporting events associated with its 2017-2018 season.

Mattress Factory ($15,000) to support operations and programs, including support for emerging and established artists to create new work in residence during Mattress Factory’s 40th year.

New Hazlett Theatre ($13,500) to support a multi disciplinary performance piece titled In The Company of Ghosts.

New Sun Rising ($7,500) to support The Blanket in presenting the Lucinda Childs Project, which will bring world-renowned post-modern choreographer Lucinda Childs to Pittsburgh in the summer of 2017 to set a selection of her early works on local dancers.

New Sun Rising ($10,000) to support Casey Droege Cultural Productions‘s SIX x ATE, a themed and roving dinner/lecture series that uses food and art to bring diverse people together.

New Sun Rising ($20,000) to support the semi-staging of the “Requiem for Rice ” libretto and score in Pittsburgh in 2017, prior to the world premiere in Charleston.

Our Clubhouse ($10,000) to support general operations.

PF/PCA ($10,000) to support INCITE/INSIGHT Experimental Media Screening, a program that reignites the tradition of presenting avant-garde, experimental film and video works that expand the potentialities of medium and genre.

Pittsburgh Festival Opera ($7,500) to support the development and production of A Gathering of Sons, an original opera to premiere in June 2017.

Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre ($5,000) to support a production of Romeo and Juliet.

Pittsburgh New Works Festival ($5,000) to support general operations for its 27th festival, which will consist of six staged readings and twelve main-stage productions of world premiere one-act plays at Carnegie Stage.

Pittsburgh Shakespeare in the Parks ($5,000) to support general operations to present Henry V.

Repair the World ($10,000) to support general operations.

Shared Interest ($10,000) to provide guarantees to support individuals who are otherwise denied access to credit, while developing strategies for borrowers’ success and guarantees’ protection in the face of climate change in Southern Africa.

The Society to Preserve the Millvale Murals of Maxo Vanka ($10,000) to support the conservation and cleaning of two murals painted by Croatian artist Maxo Vanka.

Texture Contemporary Ballet ($7,500) to support the 2017-2018 Season, including three main stage dance shows at the New Hazlett Theater, one choreography project at Dance Alloy, and several individual community based performances.

Union Project ($10,000) to support emerging and nationally known artists to practice, pursue, and share their art. Funding will support artists of color, low-income artists, and artists working in a variety of media whose artwork addresses social, racial and environmental issues.

Unique Projects, Inc. ($12,000) to support MICHIYAYA Dance in a bi-city multidisciplinary initiative between New York and Pittsburgh through their collaboration with slowdanger, a Pittsburgh-based performance duo.

Women and Girls Foundation ($75,000) to support the Femisphere initiative aimed at decreasing poverty rates for single mothers living in the greater Pittsburgh area, with a focus on increasing access to childcare and family friendly work policies.

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