Jake Goodman
Executive Director and Board Member
jgoodman [at] theopportunityfund.org
Jake Goodman is Opportunity Fund’s founding Executive Director. Previously, Jake directed Auburn Seminary’s national LGBTQ campaign, Groundswell, and managed their media program to train multi-faith religious leaders to speak through the media about issues of justice. Jake was a founding member of Queer Rising, a NYC-based group that, in its heyday, demanded full equality and dignity for all LGBTQ+ people through direct action and civil disobedience. Jake was the Associate Director of Storytelling (now Lab/Shul), worked for the Foundation for Jewish Camp, and was a LABA Artist Fellow at the 14th Street Y. As an actor, Jake has performed at theaters such as Actors Theatre of Louisville and the Berkshire Theater Festival. He is the co-creator and performer in “Kaddish,” a stage adaptation of Nobel Prize-winning author Imre Kertész’s book, Kaddish for an Unborn Child. “Kaddish” has been produced in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, New York City, and other cities across the United States.